Your immune system is a powerful system that helps to take care of you. It protects you from infection, injury and even psychological distress. The nervous system and the immune system communicate...
Want to quit your job, fighting with friends, raging at your partner, battling constipation, and insomnia? It’s time to check in with your nervous system.
It could be anything. Your boss has...
Suppressing your anger increases nervous system dysregulation. It can lead to chronic shut-down, freeze and even burnout.
Your nervous system is wired for fight in response to a threat. Mobilising...
A healthy nervous system is not always calm. It’s adaptable, flexible and resilient.
A resilient, adaptable and flexible nervous system needs to experience some stress, challenges, adversity...
Chronic pain, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, immune conditions, cardiovascuar and respiratory issues are some of the most common symptoms of nervous system dysregulation.
Stress responses are...
Chronic pain is one of the most common symptoms of nervous system dysregulation. You activate the same network in the brain whether you experience emotional, physical or social pain like rejection....