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Empowering individuals
& health professionals.


  • Founder of the Vagus Nerve Program and Nervous System Certification Course
  • Bachelor of Health Science + Masters of Physiotherapy
  • 14 years in private practice 
  • Trauma Certified
  • Author of the Nervous System Reset
  • TEDx and Keynote Speaker
  • Educated over 20,000 students 


My story

It’s taken me eight years to share this story because it isn’t just my story—it belongs to my family and community, and it's taken time to reflect on how to honour my brothers, Luke and Sam.

When I was four, my brother Luke passed away from SIDS. I didn’t have the words to process that loss, so I stored the emotions in my body and suppressed them from my conscious memory system.

To say Sam was just a brother doesn't do his presence in my life justice. Big bother, friend, confidant, cheerleader. His friends were my friends and vice versa.

Decades later, when Sam died by suicide, I recognised the same emotions. the pain from losing Luke resurfaced. I didn't realise it at the time but following Sam's death, I'd have to unpack losing Luke all those years ago. 

When I found out Sam died, my world collapsed from underneath me.

I couldn't eat, couldn't sIeep and was crippled by agonising stomach cramps. Up until that point I'd been a busy physiotherapist running my own clinic. But a deep and profound shock changed my nervous system and grit and stoicism wouldn't help here.

I needed to work with this pain in a different way. This became my mission.

Three weeks after Sam’s death, I traveled to the US to study the brain and nervous system, focusing on trauma, stress, and neuroplasticity. This is something I'd been planning prior to losing Sam but his passing only strengthened my resolve.

I'd been working as a physiotherapist for over a decade and over time had become convinced that to truly help my patients, I needed to look beyond physical symptoms. 

I got to know dysregulation well. I would swing up to the highs of anxiety and lie awake on so many nights. I would also find myself collapsed and exhausted, unable to muster the energy to face any challenges or demands. 

Although I'd tried to talk through my experiences, replaying these excruciating events left me feeling more anxious and hopeless than before. 

Talking was like reactivating my body's urges to heal and I felt stuck in these cycles. I soon realised that I needed to take a nervous system, body-centred approach, and that regulation was something I could proactively do myself. 

I went on a two year journey of upheaval, loss, growth and transformation. I really learned to 'walk the talk' as I studied neuroplasticity, interoception and vagus nerve stimulation. 

My work transformed, as I began to help my patients understand the link between their emotional pain and physical symptoms like chronic pain and gut issues.

My patients wanted to learn more and I soon developed the Vagus Nerve Workshop. I ran sell-out events Australia wide. This then evolved into the 8-week Vagus Nerve Program.

Back then I never thought I'd have the honour and the privilege of supporting almost 20.000 people through their own healing journey. 

My work has expanded in ways that I could never have imagined 8 years ago. 

From TEDx speaker to delivering keynotes to first responders and groups like New South Wales Police. From staring my own research project on the vagus nerve to collaborating with world experts. 

It still blows me away.

Today, I empower health professionals and coaches to deliver nervous system-informed care through the Nervous System Certification Course. This will have a big impact on the lives of many people.

For those who feel stuck or helpless they'll be supported by people who understand traumatic stress and an break free from dysregulation.

What I now know is that while no two experiences are the same, everyone will experience grief, loss stress, or trauma at some stage.

It's the price we pay for living a wholehearted life.

I believe that trauma is not only something we can heal from but the process of recovering brings far-reaching emotional and spiritual transformation.

It has a powerful way of teaching us what's important and where our true purpose lies.

Nervous system work can break the cycles of inter-generational trauma. It builds healthier families and communities. 

It allows us to see ourselves and other people with deeper insight and understanding. It eases suffering and frees us from the past.

It helps us feel safe and at home in our bodies again 


Featured in


Sustainable Self-Regulation ~
Sustainable Self-Regulation ~
Sustainable Self-Regulation ~
Sustainable Self-Regulation ~
Sustainable Self-Regulation ~
Sustainable Self-Regulation ~
Sustainable Self-Regulation ~

20,000+ Students


300K+ Community


3 Courses

Specific to you

Success Stories

Almost 10 years ago I lost my son, and what a journey he has taken me on. I am delighted to share that I qualified as a Nervous System Practitioner today! 

For the last 4 months I have been studying under the force for good that is Jessica Maguire as part of her Nervous System Certification Course. Her knowledge and passion, openness and drive are truly inspiring & I feel truly blessed to have been able to learn from her. 

Never in a million years did I think that I would love neuroscience as much as I do, and that I would be using it in my work to help families grow after trauma or chronic stress when they’ve endured the NICU, baby loss, pregnancy and birth trauma or pregnancy after loss / NICU.

If you’re interested in trauma and how it impacts the brain and the body, please join Jessica's work.

Lottie King - Founder & CEO at Leo's Neonatal


Success Stories

During the Program, I looked back over the past 23 years to when I took on a national Physiotherapy leadership role for 8 years while having young children, and regularly “overrode my neurobiological limits”. When Jessica explained this term, a number of past experiences and health issues made sense from a nervous system lens perspective, including burnout.

I learned to read signals from my body differently, including neck tightness which I had not previously interpreted as a warning from my nervous system, even as a Physiotherapist.

Using specific tools that applied to my nervous system consistently during the 8 week Vagus Nerve Program resulted in changes, and my ability to recognize what tools I needed at different times grew. As I continue to use the tools, I am learning daily how different things can be when seeing them through a nervous system lens.

Dianne - Physiotherapist


Discover the power of the vagus nerve.

+ what to expect from learning with Jessica